Divorce Glossary


Here are some words we think would be helpful to know if you are in the beginning stages of a divorce. This can be a confusing time and we are here to help. 


Petitioner: The person initiating the case.

Respondent: The person against whom the petition is filed.

Petition: A legal document filed in court by a spouse who seeks a divorce.

Contested: Spouses are unable to agree to the terms of their divorce and require legal intervention. 

Uncontested: Both spouses agree on all of their divorce-related issues.

Pro Se: A self-represented litigant.

Case/Cause/Matter Number: Unique number issued by the clerk to identify your specific case. The number is listed at the top of the petition. 

Case/Cause/Matter Style: Specific text in the beginning of the petition to identify your specific case. 

Mandatory Waiting Period: Texas law requires a 60 day waiting period after filing the petition. 

Temporary Orders: Court orders issued while case is pending to determine custody, child support, visitation, use of property and payment of bills.

Final Decree: The court's final order granting termination of marriage. 

Prove Up: A short hearing to present testimony to the Judge on an uncontested issue or an agreement between the parties. Depending on your county, you typically only need one party present. 

Limited Scope Representation: A solution for the growing number of people who can not afford (or do not wish to pay for) a lawyer or traditional legal services. Under Limited Scope Representation, a lawyer provides only specified legal services to a client rather than handling all aspects of a client’s case. 

Date of Separation: When you ceased living together or made the decision to get a divorce

Geographic Restriction: The part of the divorce decree that restricts where the children subject to the order can reside.


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